Some teams in France propose different therapeutic protocols :
By the chosen surgical technique for the repair of the lip or the palate.
By the operating calendar, the labial repair can be performed from birth or only at the age of 3 months, the palate being closed between 6 and 9 months after birth.
By the choice of the succession of the interventions, in the classic protocol, the lip is closed first, then the palate.
In the so-called “inverted” protocol (described by Dr. René Malek) the closing of the veil is carried out first, and the lip a few months later.
Finally, some teams favor a single operating time associating the repair of the lip and the palate. It should be known that all these protocols make it possible to obtain good functional and aesthetic results. The choice of a treatment protocol depends on local habits and possibilities, each wishing to prioritize one of the aspects of treatment.
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